Friday, June 26, 2009

Countdown Continued

6 Days and I'll Be Home!!! :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Countdown

10 days until I go home, yay!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just Call Me Curious George

Here I am being curious, finding out about my surroundings and having a little fun. I love running around and making people laugh.

I'm So Excited!


The countdown is on everyone, there's only 14 days until I go home - I'm super excited! I got to see my mommy and auntie today and I got to run around for them. I think I got a little crazy and didn't know where to go. Oh, mommy had that silly camera with her again and I think she took a video of me and now she wants to post it on my blog, Geez, Thanks mom.

A Modeling Career?

Today my caretaker decided to take more pictures of me to send to Mommy. I was feeling less shy and even posed a little, maybe it's the beginning of my modeling career...

Here I am, feeling a wee bit coy.

Look at my tail and spots!

I like my food bowl,
it has tasty things!

Look at me Mom!

I Met My Mommy

I met my Mommy today!

My caretaker first told me that my mommy was coming to meet me today and I got really excited, but then I kind of sad because I don't want to leave my brothers and sisters. It was exciting, but I was feeling very shy, especially when grandma took out the camera and started taking pictures of me. I like mommy, I let her know that by giving her tons of kisses and leaving little white and black hairs all over her sweater :) I'm still hanging out with my brothers and sisters and my birth mom most of the day, but I like having visitors like mommy and grandma too!

(May 27th, 2009)

I'm Here!

Welcome to my blog everybody!

My Name is Bella Piccola Stella, I'm a miniature dachshund and I will be turning 6 weeks old tomorrow! My birth parents are Dory and Billy .

I have three brothers and two sisters.

I would like to update all of you on my progress as I learn my way in this world. I hope you like my blog, my mommy chose it because the dots remind her of my spots, hehehe.

This is the day I came in to the world, May 8th, 2009, my caretaker took this photo of me.