Mommy recently took me to see my doctor, she's super nice, they give me tons of treats and mommy asked if I could go outside because frankly I was getting bored. I mean I love chasing balls and chewing my bone, but I wanted more from life. My doctor said I'm good to go! I still don't have all of my shots so I can't hang out around dogs I don't know, but I can go outside in places Mom knows.
My favorite pasttime is lounging in the sun. Mom gets frustrated because she'll take me outside so I can do my business, but then I won't do anything, I just lie in the sun because it's soooooo nice I don't want to do anything else.
Mom takes waaaaaay too many pictures of me and she has more she wants me to post so I guess I will. Mom took this picture on the day it got super-dee-duper hot and I was too hot to do anything.