Saturday, October 15, 2011

We Moved!

Hi Everybody,

Bella speaking, sorry its been forever since we last posted, a lot has been happening! Lets see. When it was hot out, mom, Duncan, and I moved to a new house. We love our new home! The living room is still pretty empty right now, but that's okay because it give me and Duncan more room to play! Our home has lots of room to run, mommy plays with us a lot, we have our own grass area to play on, but we can't go out on our grass without a leash, Mom says its something about not having a fence. We go for walks in the neighbor and meet all the nice doggies, and mommy has even been taking us running.

Duncan heuh - Behwa doesn't wike the wunning, but I wuv it! I wuv our house, I fink its pwetty gweat. So we had photo shoot, here are the pictuhs. I fink they look gweat! And soon we'll post pictuhs of ow new home. Finks for weeding evwebody!

B: Yes, thanks for reading everybody!

D: I just said dat Behwa...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I know this blog is for Bella, but I'm momentarily hijacking it to write about the newest member of our family.

Meet Duncan Rex…

He's two months old and just came home Saturday. Believe it or not, I think he's smaller than Bella was when we brought her home. He is a little bundle of joy!

The first day was fun, Bella was very curious about the little boy and it didn't take long for her to start playing with him. I was worried he would howl Saturday night once I put him in his crate to sleep as Bella howled her first night which is why she now has a permanent place sleeping in my bed. My main concern was the barking would upset my neighbors, so I figured if he started howling and wouldn't stop I would let him sleep with me just like Bell.

To my utter shock within about five minutes of whining he quieted down and went to sleep! Of course he woke me three times during the night to tell me he needed to go potty. Even after the potty times he only whined for five minutes and curled back up in his crate.

Since Saturday night Duncan has gotten progressively better at sleeping, last night he only needed to potty once. As of now we are going to bed about 10pm and waking up at 6am.

The past couple of days I had to work and had many errands to run and noticed Duncan has found his voice and howls when I leave, in turn Bella starts voicing her thoughts as well. This is not good, especially for condo living. Having free time today I decided to experiment. Duncan likes very much to cuddle and sleep in my arms; I like that too, but at some point I need to start getting back to normal. After play time this morning he started looking very sleepy, I gently removed him from my arms and put him in his crate. He starting whining so then I covered his crate with a blanket. I told him a mere 3 times "Quiet" in a calm yet firm tone and he went to sleep. I am in awe.

I love Bella, but Duncan is much less stubborn (knock on wood) and is much calmer. I hope is training goes as smoothly as his sleeping!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Have A Secret!!!

Just FYI my video takes a little time to load, but it's worth it!


Hi Everybody!

As you all know its January can you believe it??? I'm 8 months old already. I'm liking the weather a bit more now that it's been sunny because that means I go outside more with Mom to play, yay! Though I would have liked to have learned what this snow stuff is they keep talking about. Oh well, maybe next year.

I know a secret, but I don't think I can tell you I'll have to ask Mom and then I'll report back ASAP. It's super cool though! Okay I have to go, bye!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hi Everyone,

Sorry it's taken me so long to post. Even though it was nearly a month ago, Halloween was great. Mom surprised me with a pumpkin costume that I wore to school. It was great my classmates also dressed up. Mitzy was a ladybug and Max was a fireman. Halloween night I went to show Zoe my costume, I think she thought I looked silly, but that's okay. Alright, short message, but I have to go now. Bye!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I think I'm bugging Mommy a lot right now. I'm teething and chewing on everything, including mommy. I lost my top two front teeth recently and my new teeth are growing in and it feels so good to chew on things -it doesn't matter what it is.

I went to the doctors today and didn't like what happened at all. First she looked at my teeth and said I would have buck teeth in the front until my other teeth come in and then she gave me a shot! It's a tough life for a puppy I'll tell you. Other than the issue with my doctor, everything else has been good. I get to go outside on the patio and play all by myself because Mommy made it safe :) I love sun bathing, it's so warm.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Yes - it's true. I've finally gotten to go outside and it's fantastic!

Mommy recently took me to see my doctor, she's super nice, they give me tons of treats and mommy asked if I could go outside because frankly I was getting bored. I mean I love chasing balls and chewing my bone, but I wanted more from life. My doctor said I'm good to go! I still don't have all of my shots so I can't hang out around dogs I don't know, but I can go outside in places Mom knows.
My favorite pasttime is lounging in the sun. Mom gets frustrated because she'll take me outside so I can do my business, but then I won't do anything, I just lie in the sun because it's soooooo nice I don't want to do anything else.

Mom takes waaaaaay too many pictures of me and she has more she wants me to post so I guess I will. Mom took this picture on the day it got super-dee-duper hot and I was too hot to do anything.