Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fourth of July

Hi and Happy Belated Fourth of July!

I've been keeping mom pretty busy this past week. From late night barks to running around all day I think I've sufficiently worn mom out, but I'm still going strong! Fourth of July was fun, I got to meet my Aunties Sara and Lauren - Auntie Sara gave me a paw massage and I was in doggy Heaven, see...

Then Gramma Myrna and I went to meet Uncle Al and Aunt Jane and I played on the grass a little, I can't wait until I can play in the grass all the time! After that, I met Marie and Uncle Jack and they were a lot of fun. Then they left and I hung out with mom and gramma and watched the fireworks on TV, they were verrrrry pretty.

I don't get what the big deal is about these fireworks, I mean I heard them boom and it didn't scare me one bit.

I was pretty excited from the day and woke mom up a few times that night, but what puppy wouldn't after such a great day meeting wonderful people!

More to Follow soon...

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